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Leather Pirouette II


Leather Pirouette II H062 from Capezio is the ultimate multi-purpose dance shoe. It is made from an ultra-soft leather and is perfect for lyrical, contemporary, modern, jazz and more. It has two elastics that hugs your arch and heel to make sure the shoe stays in place while dancing. 

Features of the Leather Pirouette II

  • Suede sole
  • Extremely flat pleats
  • Soft elastic binding around the opening
  • 5/8" primary elastic strap and 3/8" elastic under the arch

Leather Pirouette II


Product Sizing Guide for Capezio

Lyrical and Modern Shoes

US Child 11-12 13-1 2-3
Choose This Size Child Medium Child Large Child X-Large


US Ladies 4-5 6-7 8-9 10-11 12-13
Choose This Size Adult Petite Adult Small Adult Medium Adult Large Adult X-Large


Fit Options for Dance Shoes | Shoe Widths Explained